Monday, December 14, 2015

Walking for Water

  I have told you a bit about the water crisis around the world through a previous blog about Water of Life and here is another organization worth checking out. Charity Water is a super hip non-profit that provides safe water! When I say hip, I mean you should at least check out their store because they design really cool shirts, phone cases, and other awesome things.
    For a little bit of background, Charity Water is a non-profit organization that brings safe drinking water to people in developing nations. These nations include Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Something I learned from this organization was the number of solutions available to provide safe water. Charity Water determines which way is best for the area they are working in. You can read about them on their website here and see pictures of each one! 
    In areas where safe water is not available, women often walk lengthy distances to retrieve water for her family. It is not safe either for young girls to walk off alone but they must do it for a necessity we so often take for granted. Devison, a young boy in Malawi, didn't think it was fair for his mother and sister to do all of the work for their family and decided to help. Water is typically a woman's job in this area but Devison wanted his sister to be able to go to school just like he was. While young boys are learning to read and write, girls are learning how to balance the weight of a water bucket, with a baby on their back. Women and girls are making this trip, with forty pounds of water on their head, no less than five times a day. Devison said something really precious about this situation. "I walk for water because I believe in gender equality. There must be no discrimination between boys and girls in relation to chores." By doing this for his mother and sister, he was setting an example for other boys in his community as well. A picture of Devison is located below.
    By providing safe water, children are able to attend school regularly which is better for the community that they live in. In our minds water is such a simple resource because we have never had to think twice about where it comes from. Can you imagine the joy it brings to those who don't have access to it so easily? You have the opportunity to give the gift of water for a lifetime to these people. The gifts you exchange with friends and family during Christmas cause temporary happiness. This is a gift that will have a long lasting impact. Please pray about how you can help the water crisis around the world. So many organizations are working to help but they need your support to be successful! 

"Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb." -Revelations 22:1


Friday, December 4, 2015

More Than a Pretty Wrapping

    Every year for Christmas, my family donates to a cause of our choosing and then we mail the information about the organization to our grandparents. They also do the same and we consider this the only present exchanged for the holidays. For those of you who also donate money to organizations in the names of family members instead of exchanging gifts, International Justice Mission (IJM) is one that you should read more about.
    In many places, the justice system should be protecting its citizens but it doesn't always do so. In Bolivia alone, TENS of THOUSANDS of sexual assaults against children happen every single year. But, between 2000 and 2007 their criminal justice system convicted less than THREE child sexual assaults each year. As Bolivia is just one example of a developing country, the training for police protection is very weak. Poor protection along with a corrupt sense of accountability make for an almost non-existent legal system.
    So what does IJM do to fix this problem? First, they partner with current workers in the justice system within a given area to rescue victims of violence (in a four step process you can read about here). Throughout this process, weaknesses are identified with the system and work to strengthen it begins. The poor can then be protected from future violence and it is proven that the system really can work!
    IJM is currently stationed in 17 field offices throughout Africa, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia. I hope at this point you are thinking it might be cool to be a part of what they are doing so you can go here and pick out a specific gift (they even include a pretty little letter to send to a friend or family member to show it is in their name). Also, please pray for this organization and the protection they need and want to provide to those who can't imagine a life without living in fear.
    The video below is hard to watch but necessary for you to see and understand the severity of the corrupt legal systems that exist in the world. Spoiler alert there is a great ending, and it was possible because of IJM and their sponsors!

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’" -Acts 20:35

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gifts for Freedom

    Sadly Black Friday sales are over BUT there are wonderful organizations online that you can purchase the rest of your gifts from! I was told to check out Purpose Jewelry and they did not disappoint  (also they are very reasonably priced). The best part about their brand is that each piece is handcrafted by survivors of modern-day slavery. Every single penny that they profit goes to International Sanctuary, a non profit that provides holistic care for young women rescued from sex trafficking. These girls are providing a source of training and income through Purpose Jewelry in order to sustain themselves. In other words, when you simply purchase a gift for a friend this Christmas (or really anytime!) you are providing income to these girls as well as donating to build more sanctuaries that will house and train them. Definitely check out both organizations- really they are doing great things to rescue those who do not experience the freedom that you and I do.
    When I think about the children that have only known a life of bondage I feel guilty for what I ask for and think that I "need." I wake up each day already thinking of what I want to do and forget how I take so much of what I have for granted. I have a wonderful family who loves me and friends who encourage me and I can't image living each day without even one of those. Knowing their are children who are sold by their own parents disgusts me but also pushes me to realize I can do something to help them. I can't solve these issues alone, but there is a God who sees the broken world we live in and cares for each of us in a deeper way than we can begin to comprehend.
    I want these children to have a chance to live the life of their choice, not someone else's. I hope you will consider purchasing even one of your gifts this year from an organization that supports fair trade and providing these great opportunities.

90 dollars is the average world cost for a trafficker to purchase a young girl to own as a slave. You can only imagine the abuse that comes after that transaction. If that doesn't break your heart then I don't know what will. The more that we support these organizations, the more girls they are able to reach and rescue.

"Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off." -Proverbs 23:18

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Source of Water

     So I want to tell you about an organization that I am really really really excited about (and when I say excited that is a complete understatement). A few months ago, I was praying that God would show me where I can get involved with the passion that I have for providing safe water. I remembered a friend mentioning Water of Life and that they spread the gospel along with safe water resources- so I looked up their website. On their calendar, they were scheduled for that very day to come to my school for Global Missions Week, and I thought. 'Wow, okay I see you God,' and of course I checked them out! After speaking with Scott Stephens (the director of development), I started praying for their ministry. The very next day in one of my classes, Connor Hipps (the office administrator) shared with us about Water of Life and I can't explain to you the excitement I felt listening to his heart for their mission. THEN, a few days later I showed up at a volunteer opportunity for Set Free Alliance (which I shared about in a previous blog) and they mentioned their partnership with Water of Life.
    I want to tell you before all of this happened I was going through a time of waiting-on God's terms. I was searching and searching on my own for somewhere to get involved. Then out of no where He brought Water of Life to my knowledge and I was reminded that the time of waiting I went through was not a time of waiting for the Lord. He had a plan in the making. I am telling you, this organization is doing wonderful things and I really hope you will choose to help them out.
    To share with you a little bit about them, Water of Life partners with pastors in India, Sierra Leone, and Liberia to provide safe water as well as the gospel. The founder, Roland Bergeron, says, "We're not just a humanitarian organization.  We're an evangelical organization that just happens to do water ministry." This shows the heart that these people have for spreading the good news to communities that have not had access to it themselves.
    I can't tell you enough how much I support this organization and what they are doing for the kingdom of God. I hope you will read more about them on their website and also start praying for them!

"The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price." -Revelations 22:17

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Bought With a Price

    You and I were created for a purpose; one that we are still trying to figure out each and every day. Because let's be honest, I am surprised everyday by the events I don't plan for but somehow change my perspective. I really shouldn't be surprised, God isn't. But I guess that is what brings me to his feet in awe and adoration because I don't have to have everything figured out.
    What hurts my heart is knowing there are so many people out there that don't see a purpose in life. Men, women, and children just like you are forced into living lives that are not their own, let alone what God wants for them. But the really great thing is that we can help save those in slavery and also prevent it as well. Today I learned about the organization Not for Sale that helps provide safety and stability, education, and jobs. By doing this, they are putting a stop to human trafficking in such a productive way that they are providing hope of a future that is successful. People need to know they are worth more than what they have been forced to do or think is their only option.
   Under the Stories tab, Andrei's story is told and I would like to share it with you. At age 34, Andrei had been living in Romania with his family and looking for a stable job in order to provide for them. He was offered a job in Greece that seemed to promise steady income and free housing so he accepted the opportunity. Once he arrived in Greece, Andrei soon found out that he, along with eight other men, had been tricked to come and work long hours for no pay. Not only that, but these men were beaten and threatened to be killed if they so much as tried to take a break. One month later, Andrei and one other man were able to escape with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They made it to the Romanian Embassy in Athens, Greece where they were taken care of and introduced to Not for Sale. They were then given access to housing, medical care, counseling, and job-placement services. Andrei was finally able to reconnect with his family and start his life back where he had left it.
    I would definitely suggest reading the stories and learning more about this organization on their website! Please pray for this organization and the lives that they are reaching through it.

"You were bought with a price; do not become bondservants of men." -1 Corinthians 7:23

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fair Tade

     As the day of gift giving (Christmas) grows near, I want you all to be aware of Fair Trade and what they do! You can purchase coffee, chocolates, home goods, and flowers (also just about anything your gift receiver desires) made through businesses that have fair labor producing them. It is a great way to support safe working conditions and become aware of issues affecting producers! Isn't that neat? So check them out and spread the word! Happy shopping!

    The picture below is of coffee and chocolate by Equal Exchange, a super cool organization that supports this fair trade that I am so excited about!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Slavery Still Exists

      This semester in school I joined a club that opened my eyes to the issue of human trafficking and how real it is (yes, slavery exists today in greater numbers than it ever has in history). It isn't a distant problem either; it happens right in your hometown. Human trafficking around the globe is estimated to generate a profit up to $31.6 billion. Discovering statistics like this one, I started looking for the opportunity to get involved with an organization that deals with forced labor and the use of human beings for money. This is when I heard about Set Free Alliance from another student and how they were hosting a banquet and needed volunteers. As I listened to the speakers at the banquet and watched the videos, tears filled my eyes for all of the helpless children in India who are sold into rock quarries. They are sold by their parents into slavery in order to pay off debts with no way to escape. In these rock quarries, the children are mistreated day after day, with no hope for rescue. This is where Pastor Praveen comes into the picture.
     Pastor Praveen rescues these children, who are considered "untouchables" and treated as outcasts. Now, Pastor Praveen cares for over 1,300 children and Set Free Alliance helps to sponsor these efforts. 100% of the money donated goes to the children; not one penny goes to those involved that make the ministry work (not even Pastor Praveen, who refuses to any of it for himself as payment). These children need the necessities and that is only possible through sponsorship so please watch the video below (it isn't long) and pray for Pastor Praveen, the children, and others involved to make this ministry work. You can also visit their website and watch more videos like it and donate as well!


"And the King will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'" -Matthew 25:40-

Monday, November 16, 2015

Living Water

      Hello there! My name is Audrey and I have felt a huge burden on my heart within the past week to start this blog and share what I am learning. If you have found yourself here, then you have most likely seen me post awareness on social media somewhere for a ministry. A few organizations fighting for freedom have become a passion in my life and I want to start sharing them with you. I serve a God that is bigger than all of these heartbreaking issues that we are facing today; whether it be human trafficking, lack of clean water, and so on...
     So now I will explain what Sonrisa for Water means! Sonrisa is the spanish word for "smile" and it also resembles the english word "sunrise." The fact that it contains "son-" reminds me of Jesus, God's son. Now, smile for water? Ever since my senior year of high school I have wanted to help provide safe water to those who have no access to it themselves. I had never realized that so many aspects of peoples' lives are changed by clean water alone. The health and economy of a community can be improved drastically with safe water. Then, through my first year in college, my faith became my life. God put me through trials where I needed him more than ever and I had finally learned what it meant to make Him my first love. Not my second or third. But FIRST and foremost. I am so undeserving of my Father's love but he wants me, saves me, and fights for my attention everyday. Even on the days that I don't look for him (because, I will be honest there are days that I am silly and tell myself I will do my quiet time later...but it gets away from me). So, water on this earth is not the only kind of water I want to bring to those in need, but also living water. The gospel and Jesus Christ, above everything else, is the one thing that can truly save a person's life. Knowing our Savior won't just change our lives here on earth, but our destination for eternity. What good does safe water, food, shelter, and warm clothes do to prolong life if our eternal destination is not with God?
     With this blog, I want to raise awareness for organizations that YOU can get involved with! After you read these posts it is all up to you. I hope this blog educates you and creates in you a passion to serve others and share the good news.
