Monday, December 14, 2015

Walking for Water

  I have told you a bit about the water crisis around the world through a previous blog about Water of Life and here is another organization worth checking out. Charity Water is a super hip non-profit that provides safe water! When I say hip, I mean you should at least check out their store because they design really cool shirts, phone cases, and other awesome things.
    For a little bit of background, Charity Water is a non-profit organization that brings safe drinking water to people in developing nations. These nations include Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Something I learned from this organization was the number of solutions available to provide safe water. Charity Water determines which way is best for the area they are working in. You can read about them on their website here and see pictures of each one! 
    In areas where safe water is not available, women often walk lengthy distances to retrieve water for her family. It is not safe either for young girls to walk off alone but they must do it for a necessity we so often take for granted. Devison, a young boy in Malawi, didn't think it was fair for his mother and sister to do all of the work for their family and decided to help. Water is typically a woman's job in this area but Devison wanted his sister to be able to go to school just like he was. While young boys are learning to read and write, girls are learning how to balance the weight of a water bucket, with a baby on their back. Women and girls are making this trip, with forty pounds of water on their head, no less than five times a day. Devison said something really precious about this situation. "I walk for water because I believe in gender equality. There must be no discrimination between boys and girls in relation to chores." By doing this for his mother and sister, he was setting an example for other boys in his community as well. A picture of Devison is located below.
    By providing safe water, children are able to attend school regularly which is better for the community that they live in. In our minds water is such a simple resource because we have never had to think twice about where it comes from. Can you imagine the joy it brings to those who don't have access to it so easily? You have the opportunity to give the gift of water for a lifetime to these people. The gifts you exchange with friends and family during Christmas cause temporary happiness. This is a gift that will have a long lasting impact. Please pray about how you can help the water crisis around the world. So many organizations are working to help but they need your support to be successful! 

"Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb." -Revelations 22:1


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