Friday, December 4, 2015

More Than a Pretty Wrapping

    Every year for Christmas, my family donates to a cause of our choosing and then we mail the information about the organization to our grandparents. They also do the same and we consider this the only present exchanged for the holidays. For those of you who also donate money to organizations in the names of family members instead of exchanging gifts, International Justice Mission (IJM) is one that you should read more about.
    In many places, the justice system should be protecting its citizens but it doesn't always do so. In Bolivia alone, TENS of THOUSANDS of sexual assaults against children happen every single year. But, between 2000 and 2007 their criminal justice system convicted less than THREE child sexual assaults each year. As Bolivia is just one example of a developing country, the training for police protection is very weak. Poor protection along with a corrupt sense of accountability make for an almost non-existent legal system.
    So what does IJM do to fix this problem? First, they partner with current workers in the justice system within a given area to rescue victims of violence (in a four step process you can read about here). Throughout this process, weaknesses are identified with the system and work to strengthen it begins. The poor can then be protected from future violence and it is proven that the system really can work!
    IJM is currently stationed in 17 field offices throughout Africa, Latin America, South and Southeast Asia. I hope at this point you are thinking it might be cool to be a part of what they are doing so you can go here and pick out a specific gift (they even include a pretty little letter to send to a friend or family member to show it is in their name). Also, please pray for this organization and the protection they need and want to provide to those who can't imagine a life without living in fear.
    The video below is hard to watch but necessary for you to see and understand the severity of the corrupt legal systems that exist in the world. Spoiler alert there is a great ending, and it was possible because of IJM and their sponsors!

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’" -Acts 20:35

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