This blog is to raise awareness for ministries that need compassionate people to join them and serve.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Slavery Still Exists
This semester in school I joined a club that opened my eyes to the issue of human trafficking and how real it is (yes, slavery exists today in greater numbers than it ever has in history). It isn't a distant problem either; it happens right in your hometown. Human trafficking around the globe is estimated to generate a profit up to $31.6 billion. Discovering statistics like this one, I started looking for the opportunity to get involved with an organization that deals with forced labor and the use of human beings for money. This is when I heard about Set Free Alliance from another student and how they were hosting a banquet and needed volunteers. As I listened to the speakers at the banquet and watched the videos, tears filled my eyes for all of the helpless children in India who are sold into rock quarries. They are sold by their parents into slavery in order to pay off debts with no way to escape. In these rock quarries, the children are mistreated day after day, with no hope for rescue. This is where Pastor Praveen comes into the picture.
Pastor Praveen rescues these children, who are considered "untouchables" and treated as outcasts. Now, Pastor Praveen cares for over 1,300 children and Set Free Alliance helps to sponsor these efforts. 100% of the money donated goes to the children; not one penny goes to those involved that make the ministry work (not even Pastor Praveen, who refuses to any of it for himself as payment). These children need the necessities and that is only possible through sponsorship so please watch the video below (it isn't long) and pray for Pastor Praveen, the children, and others involved to make this ministry work. You can also visit their website and watch more videos like it and donate as well!
"And the King will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'" -Matthew 25:40-
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